Sunday, April 18, 2010

Purple & Green Smoothie

Are you aware that the CDC recommends that we eat 5 to 9 servings of colorful fruits and veggies each day? Click here to see how much you should be eating. Did you also know that spinach is now considered one of the world's healthiest foods? I don't know about you but I have an awful time getting my fruits and veggies in and I can't even imagine sitting down to a big bowl of spinach each day. But, never fear, I've got a recipe for you that helps you get some of those 5-9 a day in and it tastes great too!

Purple & Green Smoothie
Serves 1 @ 4 WW points

*All of these ingredients are measured by WEIGHT not volume, including the liquids. Also, all of the fruits are frozen.

2 oz. purple juice (grape, Acia, pomagranite)
2 oz. lowfat vanilla yogurt
2 oz. blueberries
2 oz. strawberries
2 oz. peaches
2 oz. banana
2-3 cups of baby spinach

Place all items in a blender and blend slowly until its really moving in the blender. I almost always have to add some other calorie free liquid such as Crystal Light White Grape to get it loosened up enough to move. After it is moving good, slowly add in the spinach allowing it to incorporate after each addition. Pour into a really big glass and enjoy!

I promise, you can't taste the spinach, just make sure it is blended really well so you don't end up with chunk pluggin' up your straw! LOL

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