Mercedes over at Common Sense With Money has a post about a new FREE Kindle book called Living Organized: Proven Steps for Clutter-Free & Beautiful Home. Check out the post here.
For those of you who don't know what a Kindle is, check it out at Amazon. There is a video to watch too.
I long for the day when I can have a Kindle. They are kinda pricey but I still want one! Current price on the latest generation is $259.00 on Amazon. But for now, I've downloaded the Kindle for PC which YOU can download too! The laptop is not as convienent as the Kindle would be but we have a wireless one. So, I can take it out on the deck to my swing and read to my hearts content a free book (that's all I have on it so far-free books) and not have to put it on a bookshelf or table when I'm not reading it! AND, this little guy will hold up to 1500 books...amazing. Less clutter-LOVE IT!

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