About a year ago, after MANY mornings of arguing about what Little Bit was going to have for breakfast and lunch, I decided that a permanent menu was needed for these meals. That way, on any given day, she knows what to expect for breakfast and for lunch and there is no arguement about it! :o)
Breakfast Menu:
MONDAY: Peanut Butter Toastie
TUESDAY: Cereal-cold or hot
WEDNESDAY: Poptart/Toaster Strudel
THURSDAY: French Toast/Pancakes
FRIDAY: Cereal-cold or hot
SUNDAY: Choice
Lunch Menu:
MONDAY: Ham or turkey chunks w/shredded cheese, pretzels, fruit, drink OR a Lunchable if they are on sale.
TUESDAY: Mac & Cheese or Spaghetti O's, multi grain cheerios, apple w/peanut butter & honey dip, drink
WEDNESDAY: PB&J, goldfish, carrots & ranch, fruit, drink
THURSDAY: Meat roll ups, ranch dip, pretzels, fruit, drink
FRIDAY: PB & honey, ritz, granola bar, fruit, drink
SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Choice/leftovers
Lunch options also include the hot lunch available for the day if she likes it. We go over the school menu at the beginning of each month and she decides what she wants and it is paid for then. This eliminates deciding at the last minute. The family calendar is marked "HOT LUNCH" on the appropriate days and that's it! Can you feel the peace wafting thru my home? LOL!

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