I Heart CVS-This site has current ads as well as ads for 2-3 weeks in the future as well as the deals associated with them. Lots of GREAT info!
I Heart Wags-Also a bunch of great info. As I type, this site has ads out as far as 5/8/10. This really enables you to see where your coupon will be most beneficial.
Common Sense With Money-This is really one of my favorite site. If you are also on Facebook, you can be a fan there too. She really gives the best deals out there and also links to ALOT of online coupons. This is were I get info on where to find the really high value coupons too.
Here are a couple of coupon printing sites. Rule of thumb is check it at the beginning and middle of the month. This is when alot of them add new coupons to print. "Most" coupons can be printed twice from each computer by hitting the back button in your browser. Also, some coupons have a total limit that can be printed out. So if that is 1000 and you don't check the site until the 20th of the month, you may have missed out on some good ones!
Gotta run for now The Hubby is taking Little Bit and I out for Mexican. YUM!

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