So, Thursday was to be Mexican casserole but The Hubby asked me if I could switch it with next Thursday since he was going out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then I looked at our calendar wrong when I was menu planning and thought Friday was supposed to be a night out with friends and it is actually next Friday so I used that meal (Grilled Pork Chops) this Friday. I will post the recipe for the Oven Fries, they were quite good! As mentioned when posting the January menu, today we are actually going to a birthday party at a local pizza place so the Grilled Hamburgers & Baked Beans will be moved to an open night later in the month or to February. I did go a head and make my turkey tho...
Cooking a turkey in a bag is AWESOME!!! I've never cooked one any other way. This bird was about 13 3/4 lbs and he cooked in 2 hours and 15 min. It took me about 30 minutes to go from this:
Need to scoot now, The Hubby just reminded me I have a gift to wrap and I'm not exactly sure if I have a bag big enough or any paper appropriate for a 5 year old boy....may have to make a trip to the Dollar General.